Saturday, February 25, 2017

It's a String Thing Challenge #185 and Travelling Tangles

IAST #185
Wibble, Flec and Edgar

Adele's challenge this week was to use a few ribbon patterns, including 2 new patterns by regular IAST contributors.

Here's the line work

I thought I'd include it since I actually remembered to take a picture of it;-) I decided to keep this pretty simple. I did employ Maria's technique of using a coat of clear nail polish on the background. It does deepen the color ever-so-slightly.

I finished 2 lovely starters from Kate Ahrens of the 1 Art Lady Kate, Tangles and More blog. Kate, thanks for taking me up on my offer to swap;-)
A while back I offered several tiles up for swap here on the blog and Kate was one of the few brave souls who took me up on the offer. Who wouldn't be thrilled to open up the mailbox and find this:

For those of you who are unfamiliar with The Travelling Tangles Project, check out the group Facebook page. There's some amazing stuff happening there and lurking is encouraged;-)
Kate and I arranged our exchange independently of the group. The value of exchanging art is incredible. It's a wonderful personal connection to each other and as scary as it may be, it knocks you out of your comfort zone to develop your art in ways you probably could never do on your own. Anyhoo...jus' sayin'...

My finish...

...To Kate's start

I wish the photographs could do justice to the rich intensity of Kate's backgrounds.

I went a little crazy😁

Kate's start
My finish... this start by Anne Marks
traveling from Victoria, Australia

My finish... this lovely start by Susanna Redaelli
traveling all the way from Milan, Italy

I finally got around to this...

...hand marbled tile from Sandy Kelly Jones

Many of my Travelling Tangle ZenPals have sent along hand colored tiles to play with. I'm hoarding a little stack of them. Sandy sent me this ages ago and I just now found it's greater purpose.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your thoughtful and generous comments delight and inspire me 😊


  1. Oh my goodness these are all so beautiful! My favorite color is yellow, and second fave is pink, so my eye is drawn to the tiles featuring those colors...and also to the flat out whimsy of both of them! ha! (besides the fact that Tropicana is one of my very favorite tangle patterns) ... as for that marbled is so luscious! I bet you held your breath as you made your first marks on it. But you ended up with something stunning...of course. Well done on ALL of these.

  2. Bravo! I admire how easily you find ways to tangle with your partners. (Well, I shouldn't say easily, since you've often mentioned how scary it can be to put that first stroke on the paper!) You tune in beautifully to their work and connect. What a gift!

  3. Wow! So fun to see what you did with them and they are wonderful! I love your going crazy!
