Friday, April 10, 2020

Lockdown Day ??? and the 100 Day Challenge

 I'm still working so I'm not in complete lockdown like the rest of my family and with a few exceptions, my life is not all that different.
The coffee and creativity happens at home rather than in my cafe around the corner though I still get my coffee there in the morning.

 I finished assembling a new journal this morning. I had no intention of this becoming a Lockdown journal when I started it.
 It's mostly a writing journal with a bit of a coffee theme. I've been sitting on this paper pack I got on sale at Michael's back in January. I never know how to use these pads as they're so one dimensional.
 I like to make signature covers with them but then I' m stuck.
 So I guess the first challenge is to Anti-scrapbook the thang.
 There's a lot of coffee/ avocado/food coloring tinted papers and my favorite journaling spots...index cards.
I'm a small space journaler so these full pages are a bit intimidating but all of the crazy stuff going on right now needs a outlet especially since I'm challenged by having to make my way to work 5 days a week...on very limited public transportation and I still gotta make art.

Stay tuned.


  1. So, inquiring minds want to do you get to work every day?
