My printer has a very odd reaction to yellow
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Journals to the People: Tea Shop
My printer has a very odd reaction to yellow
Friday, September 25, 2020
Journals to the People: Tea & Roses
This is a little notebook I saw on Patricia Viramontes' channel. I've got a lot of book pages to use.
I love using the illustrations from the Readers Digest books.
The leaves are copies of my original watercolors. Book page collage with a decorative napkin, dyed doily and stitching.
A print of one of my mixed media backgrounds.
Monday, September 14, 2020
On my Desk: Watercolor Week
I've been working on a series of journals to send off to Lindsey's Marketplace later on in the month as well as a book for great nephew #2 expected to meet our family next month.
I'm also playing around with ideas for a piece of artwork for the baby's room. I'm a bit ADD right now and need to focus on baby.
This week I'm all about watercolor and Instagram Inspiration so I can finish up the baby book with a smattering of my own original art. I tend to get lost in detail and really want to dial it back so I can move more loosely and quickly. One of my favorite artists is Rae Missigman. Her watercolor florals are right up my alley.
Yesterday I had a play. I made some copies and added some quick line work.I've had these pics floating around on my desk for weeks. This is great nephew #1. I love this pic. He's so Baby Gap❤️ and there's the two of us at Christmas. This is the last time I saw him.
Anyhoo...I had a packaging card from some Gelatos I bought a few weeks ago and quicky created this tag that can now live propped up on my desk lamp.
Monday, September 7, 2020
Journals to the People: Garden Party
I'm taking a different approach this month by finishing one journal at a time. I overwhelmed myself last month by setting up 6 journals from the start and working through them in stages. It got a bit tedious and though the journals turned out beautifully, they all looked the same and finishing them up felt like a chore.
I'm also struggling with incorporating digitals with my aesthetic, my art and staying true to my junk.
There's also the need to keep learning new things and getting out of my comfort zone now and then.
I had some fun dying paper earlier in the week. The flower department at the market where I work had a bunch of broken marigolds and of course my first thought was hmmnnnn....
I anchored each of the two signatures with Gelli printed cardstock.