I am the Diva Challenge #219
Straight Lines
I got a new sketchbook several weeks ago. New sketchbooks intimidate me somehow. I keep thinking that those clean pages are in need of brilliant art. So I just stayed in my old sketchbook going back into old pages and drawing some more. Then I made the leap while messing around with my water color palette. I opened up to the middle of the book, loaded up the paintbrush and set about creating a wet mess. Then I closed the book and made a bigger wet mess. Then I did it again and again.
I've been doing a lot of drawing in it this past week but not so much with the challenges. Then last night, while watching a "Criminal Minds" marathon, I opened up this page and drew a little box, then a line. Then another...and so on. I like drawing "Squavolution" It's really amazing how relaxing straight lines are to draw. I had no plan when I started this, then at one point I drew a tile line around it and kept going.
I managed to squeak this in today:
That's New to Me Challenge #21-"R" patterns
and Artist Focus on Helen Williams
Raffz & Ripples
I was noodling around on Pinterest last week and saw something like this and it inspired this work-in- progress. I draw a little bit every day:
I've also been drawing a lot of food. I love this website and hope to submit to it as soon as I figure out how to scan something this big.
I've also been drawing cheese a lot:
I think I'm gonna do illustrated cheese boards for Christmas this year.
So that's what I've been up to and doing some cooking and blogging at my foodie blog. I'm trying to motivate myself to cook and eat better.
Thanks for stopping by. I love all of your generous comments.