Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Notes from a Stay-cay

Tomorrow is the last day of my stay-cay week. I know for many, the last 4 months have been an arduous staycation. As for myself, this week was an indulgence I’ve never ever allowed myself and honestly had misgivings about in the days leading up to it, thinking I’d be bored silly and fearful of wasting my PTO (personal time off) I save for fear of getting sick or injured. Especially now.
I’m a grocery store worker. It’s been a rough 4 months. I needed to decompress.

And decompress I did. It’s been great. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed losing myself in arty projects and running with fleeting ideas rather than putting them on the back burner for when I have the time then forgetting all about them.
Yesterday I reluctantly decided to venture out to Office Depot to pick up some digital prints I had downloaded for my next marketplace project. That was a hurdle for me to navigate but I did and quite pleased with the results.
On my way there, I passed by the little discount fabric store I’ve probably not been to since before Christmas. They were open and from what overheard once I went in, they had only just re-opened this week. I needed elastic for my next round of mask making and more seam binding for my journal closures. I was delighted to find silk. The kind of silk the junk journaling community calls sari silk. I’ve been shopping here for almost 20 years. Their silk selection has always been slim to none. They had a fairly nice selection of it so I bought 2 yards of ivory.
So, this is how I spent my morning. I used to actually do this sort thing as living, back in my years as a theatrical costume designer. I have a rarely used selection of alcohol inks that I’d purchased at Tuesday Morning at some point last year but I never quite got the gist of using them. The spray bottles I’d bought for them had pretty much gotten clogged up from the get-go. Too messy.

Nothing is dry yet so results yet tbd. If nothing else my drop sheets (swanky paper dinner napkins I hoarded for years from a hotel restaurant I used to frequent back in my bartending days) will make awesome backgrounds to copy and print.

Stay-cay breakfast. Leftover pizza and fried eggs.
Yesterday, as I waited for the bus to head to Office Depot, there’s a pizza place directly behind the bus stop. Guy was standing at the order table at the entrance and on a whim I ordered a small pizza telling the dude I’d be back in 30 minutes to pick it up. I’ve not ordered takeout of any kind in 4 months. Never been a reason to given where I work...but hey, I’m still in birthday week mode. Live it up.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! I have really enjoyed your stay-cay story. I'm so glad you treated yourself to leisurely creation, silk (!), exploration and pizza with fried eggs on top. (My favorite!) Take care of yourself, and keep up the amazing work!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! How lovely to hear from you. I hope all is well with you.

  2. Happy birthday, Michele! What a nice way to spend your week. Looking forward to seeing how the silk pieces turned out.
    Be well.๐Ÿ’™

    1. Thank you Roseanne! I'll post a pic on my next post. They're really nice๐Ÿ˜‰
