Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Diva Challenge #331, Joey Challenge #180, String Challenge #209 etc...

Guest Blogger: Jane Reiter
Hexagons inspired by Petrosky Stones

I remember this from when I was first introduced to "Oskie" by Antonine Koval. I love this pattern;-)

I found a watercolor tile in my bag of tricks that had a nice stoney feeling. I drew hexagons with a "Black Grape" Prismacolor pencil.

This is "Oskie"
by Antonine Koval

I used a Prismacolor colorless marker blender to soften the hexagon grid a bit.

#3 Ensemble
Featuring: Cruffle
Additionally: Striping, Betweed, Crescent Moon, Tipple, Yin-cut

This is such a fun series of challenges. If you haven't been following along you can find the initial challenge here and you can see my 9 stringed ATC's here. I won't post them together until it's done.

Diva Challenge #330 part 2
The finished plate tiles

Last weeks Diva Challenge inspired this ensemble. I started with a set of tiles I'd made ages ago using torn edges and then colored with re-used art tissue paper. The line-work was done with grey and purple Staedtler Triplus Fineliners and a black technical pen then colored with Prismacolor pencils and shaded with Tombow grey-tone brush pens, highlighted with a white Prismacolor pencil and a white Signo Uniball broad tip pen.

Adele's String Challenge was just to use "Spoken" starting with a small off-set circle. This was my first time trying "Spoken" so I pulled out a tile I had made for the "Recycle" Diva challenge awhile back. It's cut from a cat litter box. I intended it as a practice piece but even though the spokes are wildly uneven, I loved how this was progressing and so it ended up being my finished piece, but due to some last minute technical difficulties, I didn't get this entered in time, but you can see all the entries here.

The "92 Days" of Zentangle drawing prompts are coming to an end:

Though the project is coming to an end, the lovely admins at Tangled and Journaled Too! have a whole new series of journaling inspiration ready to go. If you're not already a member of this group and you love Zentangle, you really need to check it out and join in...or just lurk if you want.

Travelling Tangles completed this week:

My finish...

...to this wonderful start
by Barb Mavraganis

My finish...

...to this lovely start by
Sue Olsen

"Enuf wit da #@&*,©% camera!!"

Thanks for stopping by! Your thoughtful and generous comments delight and inspire me πŸ˜‰πŸ’žπŸ»


  1. Your Petoskey Stone is super using Antonine's tangle. I've ignored the tangle Spoken, however, after seeing yours I may just have to try it.

    1. Thanks Jean! It took a challenge to get me to try "Spoken". I was intrigued by some versions I saw before the steps were officially published, yet I resisted it. If you haven't already, be sure to check out Adele's blog to see all of the cool variations of it. They are truly inspiring.

  2. Wow, those stones look like they have jellyfishes on them :-)

  3. As usual, I am sooo impressed by your production and the fact that quantity doesn't degrade the quality of your work. Your Diva Petoskey Stone challenge is perfect. You captured the "rock" essence. Thanks for sharing your completed "plate" from last week's Diva challenge. It's very nice.

    1. Thank you Suzanne! I had a lot of fun doing that plate series, revisiting some old faves;-)

  4. A wonderful start by Sue Olsen and a fantastic finish by you, maybe Aimee didn't agree with me (when I look to her face) but this is absolutely my fave of the week.
    Also the finished work for last Diva's challenge looks great and the same for Joey's third tile.
    So much productivity and always beautiful results, I'm a bit jealous...

    1. Thanks Ria! That tile from Sue was a lot of fun to work on. I stared at it a good long time before my Aha! "Aloha" moment, then it was a piece of cake;-)

  5. I love all your products - they are authentic and inspiring :-))

    1. Thank you so much Gudrun! I don't have a Flickr account so I'm unable to comment on your work there. I view your submissions every week and they're lovely. Your Petrosky stone is inspiring;-) I truly appreciate your generous comments.

  6. Your plate tiles are fantastic, Michele. I love the fact that you chose similar looking tangles to make the transition from one tile level to the next easy on the eye. 3 more days and you will be the owner of a uniquely beautiful 3-month journal. Now, what are you going to do with all that free time? ...start another 3-month journal!

    1. Thank you Susie! I'm really happy with the Plate tiles because I rediscovered some nice ribbon patterns I'd forgotten about so now I have good sampler to reference. I might end up framing that one if I stumble across a good square frame at the thrift shop. There are a whole new set of prompts coming up, not daily, but it should keep me busy;-) Thanks so much for all of your encouraging and sweet comments. You are a delight;-)

  7. OMGosh! OMGosh!! So much eye candy Michele. I keep going back and seeing something new I hadn't seen before. Your plates are lovely. Your Diva challenge, lovely. Always an inspiration to me, Michele.

  8. Your tiles for the DIVA Challenge are a wonderful interpretation of the Petoskey stones.
    All your other tiles are fantastic too. I like the harmonic coloring and the fitting patterns. My favorites are especially the plate and the third fragment to Joey's challenge.

    1. Thank you Margarete! I'm pleasantly surprised with how the Joey tiles are coming along. The colors are so much darker than I had planned when I made the ATC's. It's been difficult to draw on them but I'm learning a lot about contrast;-)

  9. A lot of beautiful tiles! ❤️️

  10. Wonderful work you share! I have checked the FB group you talk about and I think it is very interesting. I might join too...:)

    1. Thank you Anita! A new series of drawing prompts starts this month called "Little Zen Menu". It's not daily so you pick and choose what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it. You can also go back and do the Summer Project as you like because everything is archived in the files. It's been great. Now I just have to start using the completed journals to prompt new work:-)

  11. Michele... your tiles always amazed me! Such depth, texture, colours.... hidden details I only see after many viewings. And even when you graciously provide progress photos... I'm flummoxed!

    I LOVE your Petoskey tile... soft and textured. LOVE the colours and tangles in your "plate" tiles! I NEED to try Spoken. Terrific travelling tangles!! Aimee looks as though she prettied herself up for the camera with your lipstick!

    1. Thanks so much Deanne πŸ’ž Haha it does look like Aimee has pink lipstick on. It's the tip of her pink ID tag on her collar poking out ❤🐾😼

  12. I can't believe how much really incredible work you can get done in a week! I feel like such a slacker, come on tell the truth is a certain feline helping you????

    1. Thanks Trudi! Aimee's far to busy napping and grooming herself to pick up a pen, though she enjoys knocking them off the table🐾😼❤

  13. The diva tile really looks like fossils!

  14. Wow ... so many wonderful work! You are so busy!
    I like them all but your "plate" is just stunning!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. A lot of beautiful artwork that you published here. I especially like the tiles about the Petoskey stones and your interpretation of the tangle pattern "Spoken". That one reminds me a bit of the Petoskey stones, too. And they are all very beautiful!

  17. Your paper is always so magical, and the stone look of your Diva tile is no exception! Your drawing has something translucent about it, too. Stony jelly fish, perhaps? Simply gorgeous!
